quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Quem lê hebraico?

John Hobbins, do Ancient Hebrew Poetry, em sua postagem Why it is important not to love the God of the Bible fez uma lista de alguns estudiosos que lêem hebraico e aramaico antigos e, possivelmente, alguma outra língua semítica do noroeste: The corpus of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic literature found in the Bible, the epigraphic finds, Ben Sira, the Dead Sea scrolls, and the cognate Northwest Semitic literatures hold a special attraction for Jews, Christians, and those with abnormal interests alike. Below the fold, I provide a nice long list of people who belong to the online community of those who read ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and possibly other NW Semitic languages, with fire in their belly. >>> Leia mais, clique aqui.

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