quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2008

Los últimos poetas Hebreos de Sefarad: poesía hebrea en el mundo románico

Los últimos poetas Hebreos de Sefarad: poesía hebrea en el mundo románico


Revista: Revista de Filología Románica - Vol. 19 , 2002

Palabras clave: Hebrew poetry in the Hispanic Kingdoms, Medieval Hebrew poetry in Spain.

Resumen: During the two decades of renaissance elapsed between the bloody events of 1391 and the year 1414, in which the Dispute of Tortosa concluded, a completely new phenomenon took place in the history of the Hebrew poetry in the Hispanic Kingdoms: A group of poets congregated in the Crown of Aragon that, in words of E. Fleischer, felt «linked by a kind of a friends’ pact... and considered themselves as representatives of Hebrew poetry in Spain at the moment». They are the poets of the Circle of Zaragoza, and the same as the poets of their milieu who wrote in Romance languages, they interchanged letters in form of poems and participated in contests...>>> Leia mais, clique aqui.

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