domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

The Finite Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Do Express Aspect (John A. Cook)

The Finite Verbal Forms in Biblical Hebrew Do Express Aspect (John A. Cook)
Perhaps there is no more long-standing problem in Biblical Hebrew (BH) grammar than the interpretation of its verbal system. At its core the controversy consists of alternative answers to one basic question: do the BH verbal forms primarily express tense or aspect? There are currently three basic answers offered by scholars to this question. The first is that the BH verbal forms primarily express tense; that is, they denote the temporal location of events with respect to the time of the statement or utterance, either using a binary distinction of past versus non-past, or using a ternary distinction of past, present, and future. This approach is a continuation of the tense model employed by the medieval grammarians and dominant in the field until the latter half of the nineteenth century. >>> Leia mais, clique aqui.

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