domingo, 6 de abril de 2008

Uploaded New Learn Hebrew Video - Nature

Informação enviada por Jacob Richman , em 06/04/3008.

Hi Everyone!

I uploaded a new Learn Hebrew video to the Internet.

The topic of the new video is Nature.

The video address is:

Learn Hebrew is a free, on-line, educational resource to learn Hebrew words. The flash site incorporates 46 topics, along with over 1,700 Hebrew words and phrases. Each Hebrew word is presented as an image with nikud [vowels]. When you click on a word or phrase you can hear it spoken. The high quality audio was created in a sound studio.

The site is multilingual. The menus, transliterations and translations are in five languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish and Dutch.

The address is:

Please forward this message to anyone that may be interested in learning Hebrew. Thank you!

Shavua Tov - Have a good week,

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