segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2008

National Center for the Hebrew Language

This is the new and improved site of the National Center for the Hebrew Language in New York. Among its new categories are: an interactive panel of Hebrew experts, an international directory of Ulpanim, Hebrew poetry with text, sound, and commentary, links to sites having both audio and video, a series of articles on Hebrew roots and sources, a calendar of Hebrew events,a dossier of essays on the importance of Hebrew, and a Hebrew marketplace.

The Hebrew Imperative - By Ruth Wisse - Professor, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

Why Hebrew is Fundamental - By Alvin I. Schiff, Ph.D., Irving I. Stone Distinguished Professor of Education, Azrieli Graduate School, Yeshiva University President, National Center for the Hebrew Language

"Monolingualism Can Be Cured" - By Frieda D. Robins, Early Childhood Project Director at the Melton Research Center for Jewish Education, Doctoral Student at the Davidson School of Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary

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