sábado, 9 de fevereiro de 2008

Teorías sintácticas sobre el verbo hebreo bíblico

Últimas teorías sintácticas sobre el verbo hebreo bíblico. II: los textos

[Recent theories about the syntax of biblical hebrew verb, II. the texts]

Autores: Carmen Herranz Pascual
Localización: Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos. Sección de hebreo,
ISSN 0544-4081, Nº 45, 1996 , pags. 3-26

Volumen 45 (1996)
C. Herranz Pascual, Últimas teorías sintácticas sobre el verbo hebreo bíblico. II: Los textos[Recent Theories about the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew Verb, II. The Texts]. Pags. 3-26.

Abstract: In this second part of the paper I try to test the validity of the different theories that have been discussed in the first part when they are put in contact with the texts of Ezekiel's Book. The point is to make a critical judgment of each of them. When I have to explain the texts, it comes out to the light that the aspectual-temporal theory is full of deficiencies. On the contrary, the textual view allows a wide range of possibilities.

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