quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2008

HEBREWTS - Hebrew Etymology and Roots list on Yahoogroups

HEBREWTS - Hebrew Etymology and Roots list on Yahoogroups


A discussion of the bases for the ancient Hebrew language and related tongues.

Keywords: affix aleph alphabet ancient ancients aramaic aramit babel bavel bovel bays bet beys cantillation cholam chollam communication connotation connote definition denotation denote development edit editing editor editors egyptian emetology etymologies etymology ever franca grossman hebraic hebraism holam hollam implication implied israel ivreet ivrit jerusalem jew jewish jewishgroups jews judaic judaism kamets kametz kodesh komets kometz koobootz kubutz lingua linguist linguistics literary literature literature meaning merachefet merachephet merahefet merahephet nach nah nahh nakh nax pasech pasekh patach phoenician phonecian phoneme phonemic phonetic phonetics phonology prefix proofread proofreader proofreading qamets qametz root safa schewa schwa script segol semite semites semitic semitism sfat shem sheva shewa shoresh shuruk shuruq shva shwa stem suffix syllable syllables torah translate translater translating translation translator transliteration transliterations trop trope word words yiddish yiddishist.

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